Thursday, October 04, 2007

hint hint

...This morning after Rhett had breakfast, I catch him dragging his laundry basket, full of his dirty clothes, through the living room. I look at him and he says, "Mom. This is getting a little full." that a hint or what? :)


Anonymous said...

Just think, before long he can do his own laundry! Sandy

Sherry said...

Aimee, I love mine being at the age where they can do their own!! I also loved the age where they are inquisitive and helpful and funny. Those lovely moments in a day when we laugh, are amazed and taken out of ourselves. Hope everyone enjoyed doing the laundry!

H Noble said...

How cute! I can get away with letting a lot of cleaning duties slide b/c J doesn't notice things as much as I do, but kids are another story! I love it!