Friday, January 30, 2009

Guess What?

...Be Inspired Friday is back. I know, you probably are thinking, "I don't even remember Aimee ever doing Be Inspired Friday." Well, I think I did it about three times at the most, but I am going to try to start doing it again.

So here are my week's inspirations:

Her book just looks amazing, doesn't it? She also has a blog where she shows her other handmade wonders, most of them from paper! And she has a store where I may have to browse a little later. Beautiful.

2. Operation Nice

This is a blog that I just recently found and I think it is such a great site! With Nice Assignments, Nice Stories and other Nice things, it is a great way to spread the kindness. I am going to paste the badge on my site, which will help me to remember to be Nice.

3. Noelle Oxenhandler

I read Noelle Oxenhandler's book, The Wishing Year, a few months ago but I absolutely loved it. I would tell you about it but this critic says it better. I will say that I loved her sense of humor and her honesty as she tries to make a new beginning for her life. It will make you believe in the power of wishing again. (Which to me has to do with your faith).

So, after an hour of hunting down the links, pasting them into the blog, I now know why I stopped this! Whew! But it is worth it.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Cheryl Wray said...

I love the Operation Nice idea!!! (And I love this post too!)