Wednesday, February 21, 2007

is nothing safe?

...First it was spinach. Then, just about ago, fully cooked grilled chicken strips. And now peanut butter. Everyone of these things was pulled off the shelves and recalled because of bacteria. The chicken I understand. But peanut butter recalled because of salmonella? How does peanut butter get infected with salmonella? Are the manufacturers not making sure that all involved wash their hands? Are they not disinfecting regularly? And what is so disturbing about the peanut butter recall is that if anyone had gotten sick in my household (and probably many households out there) it would have been the kids. Noah eats peanut butter almost every day. As do a lot of kids. It makes me frustrated that they can not be more safe. Whoever "they" are.


Krista said...

Weirdly enough, Chris, usually a loyal Peter Pan PB fan, bought Skippy the last time he was at the store, so we didn't have to chuck out any PB. (And I make the kids eat Smart Balance PB -- less sugar! no hydrogenated oils! I think it tastes fine, Chris hates it, the kids are none the wiser.)

I read an interesting, if fairly crackpot, theory the other day that proposed that the "childhood obesity epidemic" can be partly blamed on the fact that kids are much healthier now than they used to be. Fighting off measles, diptheria, smallpox, and the like apparently burns off a lot of calories! Not sure how this relates to food poisoning, but there you go.

Toby E. said...

My little nephew is a slave to routine. And one of his is his lunch which is a peanut butter sandwich EVERY DAY!! Due to this routine, he is one of the unlucky ones who got some of the bad PB. He eats it so much, that by the time it was out that it was bad, he had eaten and entire jar, and is now very very sick. It obviously doesn't take effect for a while. My father-in-law also eats PB due to weak spells he gets. It helps to give him an instant boost. He consumed half a jar, but thankfully didn't end up too sick.
So as you can figure I'm pretty frustrated with the problem of contaminated food!

Anonymous said...

I thought about your boys when I heard that. I didn't think that you ate Peter Pan, but I wasn't really sure. Bad business!


aimee said...

Worm's Woman-so sorry about your nephew. I hope he is okay. Now I am even more frustrated.

Mom-you are right. We are a JIF family. Thank goodness!