Monday, February 26, 2007

my week

...The last few days of February is upon us. Whoosh. It went by fast. Some thoughts and goals for this week:

*Keep my mom in your prayers please--on Wednesday she is having a procedure on her retina (!) which doesn't sound too fun. I hope that everything goes well and it isn't too painful or bothersome, Mom!
*Catch up on housework. Or actually do some. Hee.
*Same goes for laundry. :)
*Continue reading Psalms this week. This is what I am doing for Lent. Reading Psalms every day for 40 days. It is an amazing book of the bible because it helps us learn how and what to pray for. The prayers that David offers up to God are wonderful and still hold so true for today.
*Scrapbook. I'll tell you more tomorrow on Scrapbook Tuesday.
*Try to find a babysitter for this weekend. We are invited to a neighborhood party but alas, no kids are invited and all the babysitters are being snatched up. Hmm.
*Go to the musical Peter Pan on Sunday. This is being put on by one of the high schools, but they are using the props and costumes from the Broadway show so should be a good production. I am excited for this!
*Start doing yoga again. A couple of weeks ago, I stopped because I was sick and just haven't got started again. So I need to get back on the yoga train. I always feel so much better when I do it and I don't have to deal with my restless legs either so it really is a good idea to start up again.
*Take some pictures of the boys just being themselves. I haven't done that in awhile and they are such funny people right now. I want to start scrapbooking the "everyday" more because those are the things we won't remember ten years from now.

Have a great Monday!


Toby E. said...

Definately will be praying for your mom. Hope it all goes smoothly for her.
And good luck with what sounds to be a busy week but fun week!

Anonymous said...

You are right about February, but I say, keep it moving! Can you tell I am ready for school to be out? At least for a break.


Christy said...

Hope everything goes well with your mom...

Congrats on the YourScrapbookStash great news =)

eMeLiNe Seet said...

my thoughts and prayers with your mom !
Huge congrats on THE GREAT news too ! Can't wait to work with you and the rest of the ladies !! :)
