...I guess Rhett has heard Seth and me say the words, "Good times" jokingly (remember it on Saturday Night Live?) because yesterday he put those words into action:
R: Noah, I remember when you were born and Mom let me name you, so I chose "Noah" and you became Noah.
N: Yeah.
me: No. I came up with Noah. We didn't let you name the baby. Rhett, you were just two years old! You would have come up with "Scooby-Doo" or something.
R: Oh, I remember when I wanted to name Brinkley "Scooby-Doo!" That was funny!...Good times. Good times. Really good times.
That made me laugh.
When we do something fun or enjoyable, it is the "Best Day Ever!" But, if, on the same day, we have to do something like, say, go to the grocery store and they can't buy a toy, it is then the "Worstest Day Ever" or "A Day that gets Worser and Worser."
Noah's "Bestest Day" was yesterday. He got to "eat lunch at school" (which means he got to stay a few extra hours for Enrichment), he had an Easter Egg Hunt and he got to dye Easter Eggs at home. However, there were a few "worser moments" when he had to stretch at Tae Kwon Do and not get a drink, when he had to go to bed without a book (because the egg-dying lasted way past bedtime) and because he couldn't sleep with Rhett (because it was a school night).
Can we say "dramatic?" And, yes, they get that from me.
Another thing that Rhett at least gets from me is his ability to have practice conversations with himself. It is mostly in front of the mirror (I did that all the time as a child) but he can do it anywhere. This morning I heard him have a pretend conversation with his school friend.
R: I dyed Easter Eggs last night.
R (as his friend): You killed an egg?
R: No, no, no. I colored the eggs. No eggs died.
R (as his friend): Oh that is good.
and on and on...
Have a happy Easter everyone!