Thursday, April 05, 2007

snakes in our house

...Ok, not really, but we have had a lot of exposure of snakes here recently. Every day for the past 2 weeks, Rhett has brought home a book about snakes from the library. So we have read about the habitats of anacondas, rattlesnakes, cobras, more anacondas, garter snakes, pythons and my favorite, mambas (also thought of, by me, as the deadliest snake ever. Why? No human has survived their bite without immediate medical attention. Also, they do not let go!)

Now this is hard for me to read about these things. I do not like them, Noah is scared of the books, they are so boring (every book has the same information: Snakes have fangs, snakes eat food whole, snakes lay eggs...) yet Rhett brings a new one home every night. I can't discourage him. Can I? (Seriously, can I? Because I dread reading any more about snakes!)

I guess the positive spin is that we will know all there is to know about snakes so if we ever go to a place where these snakes live, we will know to stay away from them.

Wait, I already knew that.

Ok. So Rhett will now know that.

Except for the fact that after every book is finished, he exclaims: "Well, I am never going there! I don't want to go where that snake lives!"

Ok. Good. Who wants to go to Africa where the black mamba lives anyway?


Shaunna :) said...

ROFL over here...

I don't think you should discourage it either; maybe just find a way to gently avert his attention to something less harmless but still related... like lizards. :)

Anonymous said...

That is funny! No, you can't discourage him. Maybe he will eventually get tired of snakes and move on to something better.


Erica said...

My fear is spiders. I just know my kid will come home with some huge tarantula in a jar and I'll faint. Guess I need to work on that.....