Friday, August 24, 2007

back to the doctor

...This time for Noah. He woke up with a fever, sore throat and cough. Ugg. I shouldn't complain, because they both have been fairly healthy for about a year, but no parent likes when their child is sick. And to make it worse, Noah does not want to go to the doctor at all and is already mad about it.

But on the bright side, Noah is really doing well at swimming lessons. He has learned how to float on his back for 10 seconds and is almost swimming by himself, so that is great! We are just going to let him continue next month and Rhett will finally get to join him as well. Rhett missed out because of his illness the first of this month.

So we are just going to hang low today. Yay for Friday.


Anonymous said...

Feel better soon Noah!


H Noble said...

Yay for Friday is right!

Hope he's better soon!!

Amanda said...

Hope Noah feels better soon!

And YAY Friday!