Tuesday, August 21, 2007

a good day

...Rhett got off the bus smiling big yesterday. He had a really great day! He was excited to go back! He loves riding the bus both ways too. Especially now, since he found out he does NOT have to sit in the same seat every day. :) He was shocked to find this out:

A: Did you sit by your friend C, today, on the bus?
R: No. He sat by the older kids. He must like them more than me.
A: No, I doubt it. But I am sure he just wanted to sit by them--to be cool, you know?
R: Yeah.
A: You do know that you don't have to sit in the same seat every day right?
R: I sat in the same seat I did last year.
A: I know. But you don't have to.
R: I don't?!?
A: No. I mean, the bus driver didn't tell you that did he, that you have to sit in the same seat?
R: No. I just thought we had to!
A: No! You can sit anywhere you want!

So, this morning, he picked a different seat and waved at me from an open window! So exciting!

Noah had a really great day yesterday too. He watched Sesame Street and loved it, which is great because I really wanted him to watch an educational show in the morning when Rhett was at school. He talked about it all day! Funny that a show that has been around that long can still capture a kid's' attention.

No pool though. It only opens 5-8 pm now until the end of August. Then it closes for the season. Bummer.

And, as for me, I had a great day too. It is amazing how much one can get done if one drags herself out of bed a little earlier in the morning! Seth told me not to over-do it--he doesn't want me to get burned out! Ha. Ha.

Today, Noah and I are going to do a little shopping. I do have an anniversary tomorrow with my honey. :)

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Rhett will be learning something new every day. That is what I love about teaching--seeing their eyes light up and the lightbulb turn on!! He is getting to quite the young man. I can hardly wait to sit and read with him. Sandy

Krista said...

Good for Rhett, and how funny that Noah liked Sesame Street so much! I was feeling a bit sad that my kids might be outgrowing it...maybe we have a few years left! (If I could only keep Mallory away from Nickolodeon...)

Anonymous said...

I can just picture Rhett waving from the window. You didn't get a picture of that?? Would have been cute. Glad you and Noah are getting some time together.


Anonymous said...

Happy Annivesary! Hope you have a great day.

Glad that Rhett and Noah both had a good day.


Amanda said...

How fun! Glad your little man found a new seat :) I know my son would do the same thing! Oh...and don't get burned out...make him help...hehe!