Wednesday, November 05, 2008

family ties

...Seth and I have a little Alex P. Keaton on our hands. It was no surprise to me that Rhett voted for John McCain in his 2nd grade class or that McCain won in a landslide victory for the grade. (This is Oklahoma. We are a Red state through and through) Rhett has been saying that he wants McCain to win ever since Clinton lost to Obama last year. (Yes, you read that right.) Anyway, this morning he came into my room and said:

"The election! What happened Mom? Who won?"

I told him Obama would be our next president.

"Aww. But Mom, he is going to raise taxes! And that includes your taxes."

I tried to tell him Obama won fair and square, that I am sure he would do good things in his presidency, that McCain was so gracious in accepting his defeat, that we should all be like that.

Rhett sighed, then said, "Crud."

Maybe his aunt should have a talk with him. ;)

Now that I am more awake than I was this early morning, I will tell him that Obama becoming president is historic and watching Rev. Jesse Jackson cry tears of joy really says it all.

Furthermore, I will tell him that I am thankful that Rhett already cares so much about his country. Very cool.


H Noble said...

Our pastor prayed Sunday morning that we would be respectful and obedient to whoever our new president was, b/c he is our president. That hushed some of my irritation that Obama might win, and now I'm trying to remember that he WILL be our new president and the world isn't coming to an end.
Good for Rhett for caring and good for you for helping him see the mature side of losing.

Krista said...

Tell Rhett to give me a call, I'll set his mind at ease about the whole thing. :)

Cheryl Wray said...

VERY cool response from Rhett. it's awesome when our kids get involved and want to understand how our country works. Just great!

The sight of J. Jackson crying last nght touched me too. It's so very historic.

Anonymous said...

I was reminded on the radio this morning that today was an emotional day for both sides, so to be respectful to all.

Even my little JH kiddos were very interested & VERY opinionated on the whole deal - both sides of it.

Rhett would make a wonderful addition to my GT class! :)
