Thursday, November 06, 2008


...Growing up, Thursday was always my favorite day of the week. It was because it was the day before Friday. The anticipation of the last day of the week before the weekend was great and nothing could ruin that.

Thursdays brought clean sheet day. Every Thursday without fail, my mom would have us strip the sheets and by the afternoon, we would have clean sheets. I hated re-making the bed but I loved getting in between clean sheets. I don't wash sheets on Thursday now and a part of me wishes I did. (I do it mostly on Mondays, sometimes a little later)

If I looked into why I liked Thursdays, I would probably find a connection on how I live my life. I love the expectation of something. I love the moment before the surprise is unveiled, the present is unwrapped, the moment before you open your eyes in the morning. What will it be? (It being the surprise, the gift or what the day brings)

I admit sometimes the moment after or the day itself is a let-down but the anticipation never is.

So, I really had something profound to say about all of this but phone calls, lunch for the kiddo and having to hurry so I can take him to school has left me quite distracted. I will leave you with this:

I love Thursdays. So that is what I am thankful for today.


Krista said...

I still don't know how Mom was able to get the sheets washed every.single.Thursday. I am nowhere near that organized.

Anonymous said...

For me Thurs. means I am one day closer to Friday jean day at work!


H Noble said...

For a while this year, February through July, I loved Thursdays b/c I was off on Fridays. Now I'm not so the anticipation is no more.
Funny how life situations change your perspective on things. Who in a million years would say Mondays are their favorite days? I do! B/c Justin is off on Mondays and even though I'm working we're all here together.