Sunday, October 29, 2006

the four D's

...Today, the fam and I tried out a new church. It is a fairly new church (meaning small) and we were impressed with it the minute we got there. The minister is a fast-talker (reminding me of Gilmore Girls fast-talking, if you watch that show) and I honestly love it--but it was hard to keep up with him during recitation! But he was so down-to-earth and had such a great message. I would like to share it what I can remember with you now.

Basically, it was how to make your life easier. And it came down to the Four D's. Delete, Delay, Delegate, and Do it now.

Delete: all those things that is an extra-stress causing, life-cluttering, time-stealing, not really worth it in the long run, waste of your life so you can focus on things that really matter. He brought up all those hours watching tv (guilty as charged--as you can see from my Gilmore Girls reference to our preacher!). Now I don't watch during the day, unless I have loads of laundry to fold and I only turn on the tv at night after the boys are in bed, but then I just sit there and watch. I love my tv shows, but do I really need to watch The Nine when I don't even like what is going on? No. So my goal is to really cut down on watching at night.

Delay: all those things that don't need to be done right away or else! like cleaning your garage (that was his example) to again, focus on the people in your life that need a friend or a helping hand or just a hug. I really am good at procrastinating on doing chores so I liked this one. I do need to work on why I am procrastinating. Procrastinating just to do so is not what the preacher was talking about. But if I choose to spend time with my kids to make them feel loved instead of fold that load of laundry, then that is okay. And we need to be okay with that.

Delegate: all those things that that don't HAVE to be done by you. I loved his example: That is why we have kids--to take out the trash and mow the lawn! Kidding aside, it is fine to ask for help. It is great when someone wants to help you. It is awesome when you help someone else. No one alone. (from Buzz Lightyear: Star Command)

Do it now: do all these things so you can concentrate on the things that really matter: loving God with all your heart and your mind and your soul and loving your neighbor. Those are his commandments.

I know, it sounds a lot simpler than it really is. It is hard not to be selfish and to love all people. It is hard to be a Christian in this world today. This world has so much hatred in it, so much anger and bitterness. But I love when I find the good in people. Just today, when shopping at the grocery store, I tried smiling more to people. And you know what? People were more open to talking to me, they were friendlier and that made me feel happy.

Here's hoping you find happiness this week too.


H Noble said...

I'm glad you guys found a church that you felt at home in. Whether that becomes your church or not, its nice to find those moments in time that speak to your heart.

Good lessons- I'm going to work on those too. I actually cut out TV a few weeks ago (including Survivor and CSI!!!!) and actually haven't missed it. Hmmmm...

Krista said...

It's really hard to find a good church, isn't it? All the ones I've been to here are so big. I miss our little church at home where everyone knew everybody else.

My kids have actually been going to bed earlier lately and instead of using that lovely free time being productive, I've been watching TV! I need to do something about that...

aimee said...

But Krista, how long has it been since you have gotten to watch tv at night? Enjoy it!!! :)

And Holly, wow! I commend you! I don't know if I could give it all up!