Monday, October 02, 2006

fall cleaning time

...I don't want to, but I have to. My house is in major disarray. Today I am tackling the kids' rooms. Throwing away some things, putting toys that they don't play with away, organizing.

Good thing I am in an organizing mood today. I hope the mood lasts all this week. I need to declutter my life and everything in it. Start with the big areas of the house and work to the smaller areas like my craft room which has baskets full of stuff. Stuff that needs to be put into order.

I want to do this because I want to start scrapbooking again and actually know where things are. I have decided to enter the Creating Keepsakes Hall of Fame 2007 Contest, so I need to be organized. I say I am going to do this every year, but never do. This year, I really want to do it. The contest has 10 assignments, so I need to get busy!

But first, the cleaning. Then, the fun begins!


H Noble said...

No fun cleaning! I cleaned our bathroom Friday night and it required a Haz-Mat suit, as Justin pointed out! Yikes!
My scrapbook room has turned into the catch-all, no-place-else-for-stuff, gifts-bought-but-not-delivered room. :(
Hope you are successful!

Cheryl Wray said...

I love cleaning and organizing--WHEN I get in the mood for it! Problem is, I rarely am in the mood. LOL I'd rather be scrapbooking too!!