Thursday, August 24, 2006

first day pics

Here are some quotes from Rhett (thanks for the idea, Christy!)

"Yeah, I'm excited!"--upon waking up yesterday morning

"I get to ride the bus because I am a a big boy and you're not yet. Sorry buddy." --in response to Noah asking why he can't ride the bus.

"I don't know if I'm ready for kindergarten. I don't even know how to do homework!"--his one little worry about his first day of school

"Tomorrow's another day of school. And I get to ride the bus all over again too." --his first words to me after picking him up from school

"It's been a long day so I really don't want to talk about it right now." --in response to asking him what he did that day

"I had a good day." --last night before bed


Krista said...

Well thanks, here I am sitting at my desk at work crying...

I'm proud of him too. And I hope Noah adjusts soon!

aimee said...

Sorry, Krista! Believe me, I have been like that too! :)

Anonymous said...

Too cute! Thanks for adding the pictures - they certainly added to the story!

H Noble said...

That was adorable Aimee! I was smiling till I read Krista's comment- now I'm teary too. Thanks a lot! :)
I'm glad he enjoyed it. I've heard that half the battle is getting them to go back the next day- looks like you've got that one covered.

H Noble said...

Justin and I looked at several of your scrapbook pages last night and love them! He was very impressed with your style and creativity, especially the Case #805. He was quick to point out that he liked my stuff too, but it was a completely different style. :) He also said, what a great family- we need to go see them. Yea that he likes you guys too!!!!

Unknown said...

Hi aimee -- love the pictures!! Adding you to my blog list!!!!