Wednesday, August 09, 2006

it's bump day

...and I'm naming it that instead of the usual "hump day" in honor of my sons' proclamation everytime we drive over a hill: "Weee...we're going over another bump!" They don't call them hills and until yesterday they were still calling them mountains, so I guess they are going in a step to the right direction. Rhett even thinks we live on a bump.

It is also Farmer's Market Day and I am very excited. I have never been to one and I think the one in Edmond is supposed to be very good. The boys seemed excited too, because I told them they could pick out a watermelon. Rhett said as long as we don't pick oranges because his best friend and cousin doesn't like oranges and neither does he. :) I am planning on posting pictures of this event so come back tomorrow. Hopefully, I will figure out how to do that by then.

Happy bump day!


H Noble said...

I like that, A! We love the Farmer's Market in downtown Dallas, but haven't been often b/c it is just that- downtown. Quite the drive from our house. Anyway, hope you guys had a blast!

H Noble said...

Hey- I couldn't get the link to work to Aimleigh's Place. Is it me?

Anonymous said...

Loved the bump story - funny they never said that about Midland?! :) Tell the boys I said hi! I just can't quit thinking about Rhett starting kindergarten -- you must post all about that and you know I will have to have pictures.


aimee said...

Holly, I couldn't get it to work either. I'll try to get it fixed. Thanks for letting me know!

H Noble said...

Bump day...I think that is a new one for all of us. A much better one if you ask me.