Thursday, January 25, 2007

i've made my peace

...Yesterday, while painting the bathroom, I had a lot of time to think. And I thought a lot about things that used to bother me but don't anymore.

*Spongebob: I used to promise myself that I would never let my kids watch this yellow sponge who talked funny. But this past year, I wavered. "But I still don't like it!" I would say to myself every time I let them watch it. However, I would listen to the boys and this funny sponge never failed to make them laugh. And although it is sometimes gross, it never is violent. And then one day, I caught myself watching, really watching and...i laughed. Seth caught me. He said,
"Are you laughing at Spongebob?" I tried to deny it, but I couldn't. Then I learned that the voice of Patrick is Dauber (the tall guy off of Coach). I always liked him. So I had to make my peace with him. Spongebob is okay.

*People who don't pay attention: While waiting for my paint the other day at Wal-mart, the person who was helping me forgot to put dye in the paint before she shook it in the machine. When she opened it, she found white paint when it was supposed to be Norway Aqua. So, it took an extra five minutes to fix her mistake. This used to bother me. But, as I was standing there, I realized that it didn't matter if I waited a few more minutes. She probably had a lot on her mind. I think I've become more aware of others and what might be going on in their lives because of blogs. (I've said this before) It is hard to be selfish and get mad at having to wait when you realize that she might be dealing with an illness in her family, or a divorce or some other sad event. So, I just smiled and said it was okay.

*Cleaning the kitchen: I dreaded cleaning the kitchen so much that I would put it off until both sinks were full of dishes. But these past two weeks, I've really tried hard to keep it clean. I mean, it is hard to tell your kids to pick up after themselves when you don't. And I realized that I like it clean. Even more than I dislike cleaning it. (Does that make sense?) So I am trying hard to keep it that way.

So, what are some things that used to bother you, but for whatever reason, they just don't anymore? I'd love to know!


Toby E. said...

I greatly appreciated reading the part about what happened at the paint store. As I have started reading so many other blogs, I have discovered too many people who don't think about what may be going on with others when they make a mistake. Sometimes it may not be something else on their mind, it may just be the end of their long day. We all know how that can be. And most important...WE ARE ALL HUMAN. We all make mistakes. I want others to forgive me when I do, so I try to be the first to forgive others.
So Kudos to you and hashing things out. Isn't it wonderful to get that chance now and then?
P.S. I was the exact same way with Sponge Bob myself, and now I find myself looking for that cartoon for my kids when they ask to watch tv. It is nothing compared to a lot of others out there. And his innocence (sp?) can be so sweet.

Anonymous said...

I used to really dread the thought of getting older. But when I turned 60 this past November, I realized that there is a lot to be said for that. For one thing, the alternative is to have already died, and when I think what I would have missed - the joy of grandchildren and of seeing my children becoming parents - I understand that there is truly beauty in aging. I have also made my peace with being who I am, mostly. Like Krista, I realize that there are some things that I will never like or enjoy, and so that is who I am. There is a certain sense of a burden being lifted when I understand that this is who I am, and while I am constantly trying to be a better person, maybe that doesn't include being someone who chooses reading biography over pure fantasy!


Anonymous said...

I know you will understand this one--my husband taking so long to get ready to go somewhere. I have learned now to get up and head for the car until he is out the door. He may say he is ready, but it will take him another 5 min. to get everything together. I am still sometimes not very nice about it, but it doesn't bother me as much now as it used to. Can you relate? Sandy

H Noble said...

I'm sorry I missed this post! I had a very self-centered week and didn't think about anyone else too much.

SpongeBob: I love the guy and watched it often when I lived alone. Now I have to sneak it in when J's not around!

Shoes in the living room: I have a habit of "cleaning" up the entire house before I can go to sleep at night. That doesn't mean really cleaning, but actually putting everything in its place so I can release my pent up breath. I'm slowly learning how much it bothers my husband and that it isn't a crisis if I miss a few things.